The Unexpected Adventures of a Book Lover in San Antonio

I chose a random parking lot to pull over in San Antonio so that I can figure out where I was and where Raising Canes is I’m here because I had a cardiologist appointment it went really well anyway I am in front of this bookstore called Nine Lives Books and I was like ha ha I should go in like I haven’t been in a used bookstore in a long time I’d never been in this one I was gonna go to a Barnes and noble but why not um and I ended up finding this book layer by Kirsten White and and it is signed I hope this is her real signature uh it’s signed right on the name so I’m assuming this is like real signature anyway now I’m just sitting here with my book eating Raising Cane’s in a target parking lot so it’s like a good day and then on the right back I’m gonna be listening to a book that I am blurbing and I’m really excited about it’s been great so far so I should finish that today productive strange day