From Berry Buddy Dates to Tax Troubles: A Day in the Life

Happy Tuesday. Let’s get ready. It’s actually noon, and I’ve already gone to all my classes today, but I am getting ready to go hang out with my friend Cameron. Something very urgent that needs to happen today. I need to go to the grocery store. I have personally downgraded from, like, the ingredient household to nothing, like no ingredients. And I actually have a list of, like, a bajillion things I need to do today, and it has to be before 6 p m. Cause I have another Berry buddy date tonight. But basically, I have a Berry buddy date. I had one yesterday, I have one today, and then tomorrow, and then the start of next week, we’re doing, like, our big little basket reveal things, and then next Thursday, I’m literally going to have a little. Which is, like, a way quicker timeline than what it was for me last year, which I honestly kind of like, because last year, we did very buddy dates for, like, I’m pretty sure was a couple weeks. Like, every week, it might have been, like, a month. Like, every week we had a different one. We’ll have our little sooner, which will be nicer, because they’re so new, and they’re still, like, excited about Zeta and want to learn everything. I have to give you a little. What I was doing yesterday before my Berry buddy date was on the phone with the state of Kansas. Like, Hello, Kansas, this Is Kenley Crossland? Because I got some mail in the other day that I am basically a fraud, which, like, in other words, like, I’m basically just a girl, but, like, apparently they call it a fraud. I know this might sound really stupid, but, like, this paper I received, literal gibberish to me. Like, we did not receive your quarterly sales tax. Yeah, probably not, because I don’t even know what that means. Obviously, I pay, like, my income tax, like, the tax for my summer job, like, end of the year taxes. I know about those. I’m not totally stupid. But I’m also making money, like, other ways. And apparently I have to pay quarterly sales tax, even if I don’t own anything. I had to file it. I’m saying this as news to me, and you guys are probably like, yeah, duh. So the paper was like, go to this website, blah, blah, blah. File this and that, babe. I don’t even know what that means. Like, literally, I was so confused that, like, I didn’t even know what to be confused over, because it was. The confusion was confusing. And, like, I don’t even feel, like, bad about not knowing, because I’ve never been taught. They don’t teach you in school about, like, sales tax? Like, my. My parents help me with, like, other taxes, but, like, my parents don’t know about sales tax. And then basically it was like, if we don’t get this 15, Days from when you receive this letter. I could be arrested. I would get my possessions taken, which jokes on them, because the possessions that I possess, limited. They could take this vanity that took me seven hours to build. So essentially, I had 15 days to try to figure out something that I didn’t even know how to figure out. Only thought that was going through my head was, like, hope my mug shot eats. And my mom was like, call the state, blah, blah, blah. By the way, she was very nice. Kansas was so sweet to me. Kansas taught me how to do everything, made an account for me. Kansas was a big helping hand. Like, how embarrassing would it be to be on the mugshot website that I regularly stalk? So moral of the story, guys, is that pay your taxes like, they. They’re. They’re really out to get you. Even if you’re just a girl. It doesn’t actually matter. Apparently, that is not an excuse. Basically, I have nine days left to the arrest if I didn’t do it right. So if I’m MIA in nine days, just know I’m behind bars. Anyways, the makeup is done. Bye.