Dialing Horror: A Conversation on Classic and Modern Scary Movies

Hello? Who is this? This is Evan. Evan Williams. I guess I dialed the wrong number. Okay, well, who are you? Who are you trying to reach? What’s your favourite scary movie? That’s tough. I wanna say John Carpenter’s the thing. But that’s like. That’s excluding a lot of good stuff that’s come out since, you know. I think he gotta go with the classics. But there’s hereditary. There’s get out. I’m gonna stick with name. Oh, the killer in Halloween. Michael Myers. Obviously. Michael Myers. Name. The killer in Friday. Jason. Jason Voorhees. I’m sorry, that’s the wrong answer. No, I know what you’re gonna say, right? You’re gonna say the Pamela Voorhees thing. And you’re right. Pamela Voorhees took out a lot of those people. But at the very end of the movie. Remember that last little scene when the final girls in the boat, who jumps out of the lake? Who is that other than baby Jason Voorhees that takes her out? So actually, you’re wrong, bud. Ha, ha. What’s? What’s the next question? Hello? You don’t. You don’t wanna play anymore