From 500 White Label Days to Personal Branding: The Journey of a Solo Entrepreneur

We don’t have a head designer yet or anyone like that. Like, I’ve just been doing it. So it’s really just all been you. It’s all just me. Literally, this came out just like my first record. It was like, wow, you know. And you’re meeting me in the 500 white label days. Literally this brand, we can’t even get a press agent for the brand because it’s like 100% owned by me. Brand. Yeah. And because it doesn’t have shareholders and stakeholders. Yeah. And, you know, investors. I think we’re also having difficulty because so much of the media. Yeah. And so much of the press agents work for this company. Yeah. But maybe it. Maybe it is like the like the gorilla days where it’s like 100%. You can tap into the kids just as easy. Like, you know what I mean? Probably more than, you know, her win. Yeah. I mean, he’s gonna win. Yeah. He’s gonna win for being that authentically. And by just. No, actually me. It’s very personal. It’s so personal. Like, no one knew I’d made this brand. Yeah. Until the day it released. Not even my family, friends, nobody. That was like a thing. Cause I am like that. Like, I have to like do a lot of things before I can put it out into the world. Yeah. You know.