Epic Home Showdown: Number One Leaderboard Player vs Viewer Homes Review

Oh, my god! Oh, my god! What’s going on? Oh, yo, I’m in the trap zone. I got trapped in this home. You guys asked for it. You guys hit that, like, goal. And in today’s video, we are finally gonna look at the number one leaderboard player for the home system in PUBG Mobile and one of you lucky viewers in the comments of the previous video. I’m gonna be checking out your home and then sending you some popularity at the end of this video. If you want more videos like this, leave a thumbs up, because I’m honestly having so much fun checking out all this stuff. Alright, I feel like this is gonna be a little bit crazy, because the last time we saw the home rankings, we did not have level 50 home levels like this guy’s got now. So let’s check out his profile. Alright, so definitely stacked. And on top of it, they have the Home Architect mythic title. And the name for his creation is first 50 level creation. That looks insane. So let’s. Let’s check out his home. Look like there was 30 people already inside his home. I hear their footsteps already. Here we go, guys. Taking a while to load in. I feel like there’s probably a lot of stuff in this guy’s home to even make it level fifty. Oh! Oh, look at it. It’s still loading in, dude. Oh! Oh, my gosh. Oh! Okay, so first impressions. Is it is ugly. And I understand that the last couple of videos we haven’t been seeing the best, most beautiful homes. And eventually I will be making some crazy creative homes. Some free to play homes, some dollar homes versus million dollar homes. But I don’t even know how much you see it would cost to even have a home look like this. we for sure gotta take a picture of this because this looks insane. This doesn’t even look like it’s a PUBG Mobile thing. At this point, I don’t even know where to begin. Clearly to be the number one on the leaderboard, you just need to spam as many expensive items as you physically can. So we have multiple different flowers which we Learned. Oh, they even have an actual windmill that you would see at like a mini golf course. So we have an actual windmill on the flowers, which we did not see in Faruk’s home. We have a CRI. Oh, look at this. We have a special welcome sign. Oh my god. Oh my god. What’s going on? What just happened? Is there somebody invisible here? Okay, water the tree. Alright, so this is like one of the most bougie trees I’ve ever seen. Alright, let’s actually check out the inside of the home. Yo. Literally he has every expensive item that you can have in the game for the home system. Look at, we have a maxed out. Is there a Child. Hello, hello, hello. Maxed out EX suit. Maxed out EX suit. Galaxy Lamborghini. This is the. Hey, yo, this is the. This is crazy. This is crazy. We’ve got an animated maxed out Bentley or whatever that collaboration was. We have so many of. Oh, look at. There’s. Yo, what. What even is all that? Every single item in this home is the most expensive item you can get for a home. The most expensive, like, walls, the most expensive decor. And it. It’s. It’s not the prettiest. It looks ugly. It doesn’t look good at all. So the most expensive home in the game is the ugliest home in the game. Next time, we really gotta find the prettiest home in the game. Look at this. He just. He just spammed all of these different items, but there is one section that you can actually go up and see each floors. So just, like, undawn the higher you level up. Juice, get out of my way. The higher levels you get. Oh, these are the new things that literally just came out today, and he already has it. So by the time I’m recording this, there’s this bath that just came out today, this animated crystal bath, and it’s. He already has, like, 30 of them. Oh, I’m glitched. I literally. I’m broken. How do I get out of here? So it says there are 39 players currently. Just in. It did. By the way, it’s two in. The morning for me, there are 39 people just hanging out in this giant. We haven’t even scratched the surface. It takes so long to load in because there’s so many items that are animated. I’m pretty sure every single item in this home is animated. Oh, my gosh, it’s lagging like crazy. Okay, so just like I was saying in undawn, which was where a lot of this home building system came from. Whoa, look at this. That is so crazy and trippy looking. This is crazy. But in undawn, that game, as you level up your home system, you basically get a way to be able to put more things on. So it looks like at level 50, this is the max amount of floors that you can get. And he literally just spammed it with every single animated item, every single expensive item, and I don’t even know where his collectibles are. Oh, look at this. Is this a hidden room? Oh! Oh, yo, I’m in the trap zone. I got trapped in this home. I just wanted to check if there was anything else to look at this home, but there really isn’t. I mean, they just have the maxed out dance party area, and that’s it. Okay, so now I’m gonna be looking at one of your guys’homes, and I hope it is a million times better than the No. 1 player’s home, because that home was the ugliest home I’ve ever seen. Alright, so The first person we are gonna be looking at, his name is Colts 9 5 4 0. On YouTube, they said that their home is level 18. Oh, now it’s level nineteen. Let’s go check it out. And they said that they spent zero UC on their home. So let’s see if it’s better than the number one home, and we’ll send them some popularity. Oh, here we go. See, this literally already looks better. It already has a theme. They made it very colorful, very, like, crazy with this, uh, polka dot. Oh, look, it’s all around. Yo, w. This looks. Even though this is super colorful and crazy. Look. Oh, look, he even has a mythic door, yo. Nice. Wait, how did you spend zero UC? You got a mythic door? Dude, was that just lucky? We have. And this is a little bit messy, you know, a bunch of. But he’s leveling it up, so that’s why he has so many different items here. The front of the house here has birds. He literally has clearly his favorite skin, which is the Dragon Ball skin, Goku. Yo, he has a little sitting area to view. This is sick, dude. I cannot believe that the level system right now. I mean, I’m sure that the ranking system for the events is a little bit different, but the level system is all based on prosperity, and so you could just. Oh, look at this. This is sick. You can Just spam all the most expensive items in the game and then you’ll just, you know, have the most. Dude, this home is awesome man. This is one of the viewers. Yo, look at this. This is sick. You can literally just sit here and look at all the plaques, all the rewards. Look at homies, been playing since the first anniversary. He has all of them. He’s got a Dragon Ball reward, he’s got a TV. Oh, look at this. I’ve never seen this before. This is so nice dude. Awesome. Awesome job. 0 UC spent. I like this way better. We got a workout section. He has a whole pool here dude. Okay, I like this way, way better then the most expensive one in the world. Literally. This is a million times better. Good job man. And I forgot to send popularity. Alright, I’m gonna sign your profile and then you are gonna be getting a money gun. Yeah, you see gun. Alright guys, well that was the number one home in all of PUBG Mobile. At this moment it is level 50. It is way higher than the last time that we saw it. And it is the most ugly home that I’ve ever seen in the game. You guys like what you saw? Make sure you guys hit that subscribe button and let me know what you guys want me to check out next. And honestly, probably the next video I’ll be checking out your Guys’s home! So once again, leave your ID in the comments because I’ll be using both the last video’s comment section and this video’s comment section to make a massive video looking at all of your guys’s homes in the game. Doesn’t matter if you spent UC. Doesn’t matter if you, you know, spent zero UC. Spent UC, doesn’t matter. Just send the comments. Even if you have a level 5 home, I just wanna see your guys’s home. Put in the comments down below your ID and I’ll see you guys in the next video. Bye bye!