Wedding Drama: The Tale of Unexpected Outfits and Family Feuds

I can’t change. I didn’t bring a change of clothes with me. Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to wear that then. You’re embarrassing me. No, mom, you’re embarrassing yourself. Bridesmaids, what do you guys think? Oh, my gosh, yes! I am so glad that you did not wear your original dress. That is amazing. Oh, honey, all the sparkles and your long train. You look unbelievable. Let’s get you down the aisle to see Bernard Bernie, what the hell are you doing here? Well, hello to you, too, Connie. Our son invited me. It’s his wedding. And by the looks of it, it looks like it’s your wedding, too. What the hell you wearing, Connie? Not that I need to explain myself to you, but this was planned out with the bride, huh? Is that why you posted her photo on social media? I’m done with this conversation. Oh, my gosh, Sarah looked amazing. I knew that when that dress was posted. That was not going to be her dress, because who in their right mind would post something like that? You have to be an absolute idiot if that was her wedding dress to post something like that. I am not an idiot. No, you’re not, but you are a psycho. Get the freak away from me! Leave me alone! Who wears white to a wedding? Attention seeking much? She has problems. I’m glad someone already spilled wine on her. Bernard, why did you invite your father I told you not to. Well, mom, after the crap you pulled, I realized dad has done some crappy things. But maybe I didn’t know the full story because I’m really seeing a true side of you that I’ve never seen before. And so I reached out to him, and I invited him. Because I wanted my dad at my wedding. You never take into consideration my feelings. Maybe I will one day when you take others feelings into consideration. Hey, everybody. This one goes out to my ex, Connie, the mother of the groom, who you all know posted Sarah’s wedding dress on social media and then had the goal to come to this wedding today dressed in white. So here’s to you, Connie. You’re a crazy bitch, but.