Social Media Etiquette: The Power of Silence in Managing Relationships

I keep filming this, and I keep not expressing myself properly, so we’re gonna try again. So I have posted things online in the past where I’m being, like, coy and doing a little sub tweet or a sub post on another platform, and then I delete them because I’m like, this didn’t make me look as good as I thought it did. They’re not, like, vile, they’re not evil, they’re not offensive. It’s just like, uh, you thought you ate, babe, and you didn’t. And what I realized through all of this is that if you have a problem with someone, the most powerful thing you can post online is nothing. No inspirational quotes, no thirst traps, nothing. Like, if you. This is specifically, I would say, for friends and romantic partners that, like, are no longer in your life. If you are upset about this person who you once were intimate with and are no longer intimate with, whether that’s platonically or romantically, just stop posting about that. Obviously, the number one craziest thing you can do if you’re trying to get the attention of a person who’s no longer in your life is send an extremely long text message or leave a rambling voicemail. Both of those bad. I mean, I guess the craziest thing you can do is, like, show up at their house, but we’re not even gonna go there. But I’m saying if over the phones, using the mails, the crazy thing you can Do is either call them or text them and like ramble and yell at them via that format. And I used to not call people, but I used to love a long text. I used to pop open that notes app and fire off 17 paragraphs in Chicago bibliography format and send it without a care in the world. And then have to deal with the immense shame hangover when they finally replied. I don’t do that anymore. Ever. But what I still do sometimes is the second stop on the crazy train. Which is to make the sub tweet to make the coy post on whatever platform is your platform of choice. And thinking you ate a little bit cause you like said something a little snarky. Or like you lip sync to a fun TikTok. You didn’t eat babe, you didn’t eat. If you are making a post on the internet purely to spite someone, to get revenge on someone, to get someone’s attention, you’ve already lost. Because either a you’re trying to get their attention. Don’t do that. Or you’re trying to post something then hope they don’t see it. But they’re going to see it because it’s publicly online. Do you wanna know how I know that every time someone has ever sub tweeted or posted anything to spite me or as their direct response to me, I have seen it. And it’s not because I’m stalking. Although sometimes I do be stalking. It’s because I Have a very strong brand, and my friends will send the tweets, the tik toks to me and go, does this have anything to do with you, per chance? And every time, I’m like, yes, I have to assume that it. I was in the middle of recording this, and then a cute boy called me on the phone. Anyway, my thesis statement is, if you are in the process of developing your frontal lobe, and you have beef with someone, whether it’s one sided or not, and you’re not gonna address them directly about it, do not post on the internet about it. You will thank me later.