Newborn Nesting: A Morning Reset Routine

Let’s reset the bedroom, aka Newborn HQ after a night with my two week old. This is my second baby, and I will say the nights with her have actually been a lot easier than they were with my first. She’s typically up about three times to feed right now and then has been going right down. So cross your fingers for me that that stays this same. This morning in particular, my husband got our two year old up and ready for the day, while my two week old and I actually ended up sleeping in, as expected. I feel like this room has just kind of been a disaster for a while, so this morning was nice to just do a little reset. I took out the trash, restock the diapers, made the bed for the first time in I think, two weeks. Oh, and avoided this laundry. For some reason, I absolutely despise doing my own laundry, but love doing my daughter’s. So I went and did both of their laundry. There’s just something about their little clothes are so much fun to hang up and fold, and it honestly, it kind of feels like I’m nesting again. It also feels like I’m starting to kind of get back into the groove of things, so it felt really nice to do a reset.