The Gray Rock Method: Dealing with Rudeness and Drama

The first thing that I want you to do is try to actually ignore them. It’s called the gray rock method. You just kind of leave it alone. Because if somebody’s being rude to you, they’re probably trying to get a rise out of you. They’re trying to get a response or they’re trying to get a specific action. Don’t say, uh, excuse, excuse me, that was rude. They want you to get all flustered and mad and stuff and start drama, cause then they’re gonna flip it right back on you and say, whoa, whoa, whoa, you’re a. You’re the jerk, you’re the mean person. You’re like, no, you started it. Leave it alone. This will lead them to not getting the negative stimulus that they want back. And they’ll probably just start to leave you alone because you’re not giving them what they crave from you. Now, if that’s not working, or if they’re being rude in a way where it impedes your working relationship, here’s what I want you to do.