Grapple with Grapes: A Hilarious Classroom Drama

Okay, so now when I. Is. Is. Um. Sir, I need you to sit down properly. It’s a reason you’re in here. I’m tired of telling you all the same things all day, every day. Mr. Johnson. I warned you. I want some grapes. Miss Mill, what are you just not doing here? You’re an hour late. Are those grapes? You gotta try some. Make it again, the great ma’am. I don’t have time for that. You need for when you’re about to not graduate. I told you I don’t want to try no grapes. Why do you want me to try? If I try a grape, would you sit down and start doing your work? Yes, you might want to try. I have a crown. This is a. That’s great, but I don’t need to drop out. You dumb as shit. But these grapes good. I’m worried about that corn. Not by no books. Get down. Yep, yep, yep, Girl, your mom was the same way. She was dumb shit, too, when we was in school. Thanks for watching the video. Make sure y’all, like, comment, and subscribe and follow me on Instagram, TikTok. And definitely subscribe to my YouTube channel. And make sure y’all shop and buy us some grapes. The best grapes, period. All day. Y’all know what’s going on. 10 out of 10, recommend to anybody. Shop.