Memories and Recollections: Nostalgic Moments with Family and Friends

Who was that? Is that your mom? Yeah, mom. You miss her? Yeah, I went there. When was that? That was a long time ago. To my pony. Oh, Jose. Yeah. You see more pictures? Oh, yeah. Mom! Mom! Mommy! What? It’s your dad. Mommy! What? Oh, my god. Let me see. I knew. I knew as soon as I saw it. That’s my dad. That’s your dad? Yeah. I’m happier he was not at the hospital. He was at the nursing home. Okay. That’s your home? Nursing home? Yeah. Timmy John. That’s John when he was in high school. And those are his two best buds, Joey and Joe. And that’s Timmy John in the middle. Jimmy John. My friend. My friend. Yeah. Who’s that? John. Did you. Molly and big man. Big man. Ha, ha, ha. Ashley. Ashley!