Capturing Moments: A Polaroid Photoshoot Adventure

I’m gonna get, um, my Polaroid here too. I only have one shot in here, but I have more film, so. I got more film, so don’t worry about it. I mean, once you move, that is. Thank you. Alright. Three, two, one. Fire indeed. Here’s. Damn, I threw that low. Good catch. What you got, huh? Yeah. Oh, I love that. That’s a great idea. I’m chilling. Dude. Dude, I wanted to get it in here. This would be ideal, but I don’t think we can look at that thing just sit. Sitting there hiding. Alright, swap this film real quick. Yeah, we’ll do front on. What do you have? What do you say he pulls up right here? Okay, let’s get like one side shot so we can have a side shot. Why don’t. Can we do it over here so there’s like a row of lights actually work? Sure. Yeah, that works. Alright, follow me. Reload my, um. Pull right, right quick. That one has a car in it. This one also has a car in it. We can do this one just kind of in the middle and you try to hide it. All right, let me tell him real quick. I didn’t. I didn’t tell him. Be straight in with this thing and then you’re gonna be right. Right here. I’ll show you. Come back here. This way. Yep, yep, yep, I. Hold on, let me get a side angle. Quick. Hold on. Go back. A little more. And. Good. Perfect. Thank you. Sorry, I need to go get my shit now.