Instrumental Immersion: The Art of Listening and Perfecting Your Sound

So whatever you, please just say, ah, for example, give me one note. Let’s try. Hold on. Hold on. Don’t rush into singing. Let it play that note again. Let it settle in your ears. Try. Listen more. Nobody sing, please. No, no, no, no. Okay. So there’s one thing you need to know about the keyboard that they know to repeat themselves. I’m trying to solve this. Uh, not right. Right. Listen. No, don’t rush into it, daddy. You need to hear as a singer, your ears and your vocal cords are walking handy. Now, what does the Bible say? Can two walk together and step towards. It’s not possible. No matter how your voice is trying to sing the right thing, if your ears are not picking up the right reception, it’s not going to work. Let’s try again, sir. Just listen. Listen. Wow.