Breaking Down Gatekeeping in Music: Why it’s Time to Embrace Music Across Generations

I have never understood why people want to gate keep their favourite artist and musician surely if this music that you’re a fan of and you like it’s not a massive leap to think that other people potentially from other generations would also like that music if that music is just good all the talk about Oasis and like certain fans being too young to go to their live gigs just doesn’t make sense to me because firstly like we all have those bands that like soundtrack our childhood and we were like raised on that shit and obviously that’s gonna be from your parents or from the people raising you who were the generations before you so it totally makes sense that they essentially then raised another generations of fans of that same music and then secondly with Oasis in particular they’re one of the most successful bands in British history so like obviously they’re gonna be cross generational this whole thing really gives the same energy as like I was a fan of so and so before they were big like great that’s amazing but surely it’s a good thing that they’ve reached the bigger audience for having success and therefore they’re gonna attract more fans just don’t understand why people would want to gatekeep their favourite artist and be like no if you’re not fitting this exact criteria then like you’re not a fan cause it’s like hate to break it to you but if you like their music you’re a fan