From Zero to Fitness Brand Success: My Journey in Starting a Clothing Brand

What was your motivation for starting your clothing brand? How did that all start? Also, by the way, just interviewed back say, fucking awesome guy. Been friends for a while, but it was really cool to get him on the podcast. Former fraternity president as well. So we talked about that, we talked about starting a business, social media, a lot of things. So go check it out if you wanna see that. But how did I start, um, my clothing brand? To be honest, it’s kind of funny because I was never really into fashion. Like, I’ve never had good style, I’ve never really known how to dress. If you saw pictures of me, I’m gonna find a picture like, bro, who does. Who does this guy think he is? That’s all we’re gonna show. Anyway, I started a clothing brand cause I like getting better at things that I suck at. And so I thought, okay, if I start a clothing brand, I actually have to make stuff that’s cool or else people aren’t gonna buy it. So that would force me to get good at making cool stuff. At that point, I realized, like, you know, I’m not gonna really make anything cool anyway. So I ended up hiring designers. I now have two creative directors. Um, and I don’t even really work on the designs at all. But I was always really into fitness, um, so that’s why I chose to do like, a fitness brand. And making activewear instead of more fashion streetwear type. And I also think that you can build a really cool community behind a fitness activewear brand. So, yeah, we’ve done a lot of cool things. We’ve put shit tons of money into awesome marketing campaigns. We’ve done collabs with big brands like Spartan. We’re about to do a big collab with Rumble. I literally just started it cause I. I wanted to make cool clothes. And now it’s turned into a business that hopefully this year is gonna bring in, you know, $2 million. So, yeah, you don’t really need to be good at anything to start, um, but if you wanna be successful at it, you’re gonna have to figure it out.