From Financial Struggle to Freedom: My Journey to Bankruptcy and Financial Healing

I decided to file for bankruptcy because it was recommended to me so I ended up working with The Financial Gym which is a financial coaching company that I absolutely love it is an affordable way to get some help and some support if you struggle with your relationship with money you have money goals you don’t know how to get there um highly recommend I have them linked in my bio in case you wanna check them out but when I did my session with them and they you know assessed my financial situation uh we had our follow up call and they basically were like listen you got two options let’s say you don’t make any more money than you’re currently making right now it’s gonna take you this long to pay down your debt it’s gonna be a headache can’t use any more credit cards etcetera etcetera or you can file for bankruptcy like you’re a good candidate for it especially because I didn’t have a lot of assets I didn’t have a lot of money to my name so I was a really good candidate for Chapter 7 and I was pretty open to it because at that point I had started following a bankruptcy attorney on TikTok who was answering a lot of questions and just destigmatizing it for me and I was I was already open to it and so when they recommended that I was good candidate I was like easy done set me up so I ended up contacting the lawyer ironically the financial gym recommended the exact lawyer that I was following on TikTok uh because he’s based in LA and so that was like that felt like fate to me I was like alright the universe wants this like this is exactly what I need to be doing and yeah from there I mean it took like nine months before I ended up filing cause I there were a lot of like factors at play it does not take that long for most people but that’s what the situation was for me um but once I knew that that was what I was doing it took so much pressure off me and it just made me feel so much better and I like immediately you know was able to start working my relationship with Money Start Healing the patterns that got me into debt in the first place and yeah just a life changing decision honestly so that’s what what did it for me