Reviving TV Shows: The Fight for Longer Seasons and Faster Releases

Sandra: I don’t know what happened but can we please for the love of god bring back TV shows that have more than eight episodes and don’t take three years for a new season to come out Me: okay so this comment wasn’t posted on one of my videos it was posted on a different video as a matter of fact it was posted on the video that I just stitched and I will be tagging the video below so you could watch it for full context of what we’re about to talk about right now now don’t get me wrong I’m on the same side as everybody when they say they’re sick and tired of the six to eight episode seasons and having to wait three to four years for the next season but at the same time I understand where it comes from and also to ask for 20 to 25 episodes and a new season every year and today’s standard is damn near impossible not impossible but unrealistic to the studio standpoint and let me explain cause I love having this conversation cause I actually recently had this conversation with a friend of mine number one you have to understand why we got the six to eight episode format to begin with we got this format because a lot of studios were quite literally adjusting to this whole new streaming environment and they realized the six to eight episodes was the format that worked best for them because of this new generation consuming media and what I mean by that is that this new generation is always worried about the next thing and on top of that their attention span is not that high so very similar to the music industry it’s all about what’s coming next instead of how can I enjoy the projects that I already have but at the same time you know how these big companies are when they find something that works for them they kinda overdo it until it doesn’t work for them anymore and there has been so many questions when it comes to why are we getting these six to eight episodes but the answer to all your questions is just money the answer to every question when it comes to media is money and the reason why I’m saying that is because the format in which they make TV shows back then is completely different than the format that we use today and yes it is because of money now let me tell you why getting 20 episode seasons and a new season every year in today’s standard is damn near possible now for an example I’m gonna pick a show that literally everybody knows game of Thrones now the reason why we can’t have twenty episode seasons and a new season every year is because the budget for these TV shows are a lot higher than it was back in the day and the format that studios were using to make TV shows back in the day you could clearly see it here within the budget per season now the reason why they were able to make so many seasons for a lot of these different shows is because it was a lot cheaper back then and on top of that they’re not spending a crazy some amount at the start of their show a lot of the shows that we know and love started off small and as it became more and more popular the budget for it increased and you can literally see it here season 1 $6 million per episode season 2 $7 million per episode and this is the I m d B website for some reason it didn’t give me season 3 to 5 but as you can see here season 6 was $10 million per episode so you quite literally see how gradually the budget increased the more and more popular it got then we take a look at shows that come out now did you know the Lord of the rings the rings of power the budget for this show you’re not gonna believe me when I say this they spent 60 million fucking dollars per episode for the show their budget was passing a little over $700 million for the first season alone that that’s that that’s what so you want 20 to 25 episodes for a season and a new season every year let’s see how much that would cost in today’s standard in 2024 now we’re just gonna take random numbers cause obviously we’re speaking in hypotheticals here and I’m not gonna go a crazy number like $60 million like how I referenced in the ring of power so let’s take the random number $20 million right it’s easy and it’s even so you said 20 to 25 episodes so we’ll go right down the middle and say 23 episodes so let’s just say I create a TV show and the budget is 20 million per episode and it’s 23 episodes long that is $460 million now $460 million for one season is astronomical so let’s just say this show goes on for four seasons that is 1.8 billion dollars so asking for that much content in today’s budget standard is insane so let’s just say the show goes on for what four seasons right I just had to pull out the calculator I did the math that’s one point eight billion dollars in the span of four years and this is one show we’re talking about just one so imagine how many other shows tried to follow that same formula the company would be losing money more than they would be making money that was just me generally speaking so you guys have a easier time with having this conversation with me but it’s absolutely insane how much money these studios are willing to throw at these shows and don’t get me wrong it’s no one’s fault but the studios and we all know the simple solution to this problem is for the studios to literally just lower the budget of the shows that they’re making because 30 to 60 million dollars per episode for one season is absolutely insane when you have other shows that are 10 times better than the shows that we’re getting now with quite literally 10 times less now please don’t get me wrong I hate the six to eight episode format just as much as everybody else does but until the studio decides to swallow their pride and actually start to be smart with their finances there’s quite literally nothing we could do about it which absolutely sucks and it absolutely sucks to say that because I truly do believe we could use our voices to speak up about this but the studios they not gonna listen to us we’re just a little guys but anyways I know this is a long video but hopefully that explains why we get six to eight episodes for the season