Drilled Rotors vs. Slotted Rotors vs. Blank Rotors: The Ultimate Comparison and Guide for Improved Brake Performance

oh boy here we go drilled rotors versus slotted versus blank rotors I made a video on this once before and it started a complete war but let’s make a version 2 I think both sides of the war Learned a lot even though they don’t wanna admit it but let’s make a new video summarising all those details to start off this is a blank rotor this is the baseline 99% of street cars should be able to use this type of rotor with absolutely no problems any other streetcars running anything else are doing it primarily for looks with two exceptions luxury cars having some holes to allow rain to pass through for comfort but it does not actually improve your performance just comfort and heavy duty vehicles like trucks requiring some extra brake cooling may sometimes use drill rotors that would be nice if we could use blank rotors all the time on track cars but on the track we run into this issue where our brakes are used a lot and you create this gas layer between your brake pad and the rotor when you have that gas layer more pressure from your pad to your rotor is required to achieve the same amount of friction which causes your brakes to heat up faster and could cause them to have issues now not all track cars have this problem especially some of the lightweight cars but if you do have the problem you’re going to have to apply one of the fixes between drill tolls or slotted rotors so let’s start with drilled holes as you can see on this carbon ceramic rotor right here these are holes going all the way through the rotor this reduces the volume of your brake rotor which allows it to heat up faster which is not a good thing but it also increases the surface area between the atmosphere and your brake rotor which allows it to cool down faster as well now the way that these drilled holes fix the gas problem between the rotor and the pad is that as the pad crosses these holes it pushes out some of the gas through the holes and away from that contact area so basically it’s just constantly draining the gas away from the pad in my opinion that kind of like a band aid fix doesn’t really solve the root of the problem so it’s not really my preference but I understand why some people may need to use this now the other thing is that having all these drilled holes in your rotor causes them to crack very very easily which is why a lot of track cars don’t use them anymore however very expensive drilled rotors have a different kind of machining process which create these holes and causes them to be less likely to crack so some of those track cards that use drilled rotors are gonna be using those very expensive ones so the other type of way to fix the gas issue is to use slotted rotors and this is my car I use slotted rotors in the front only and then I use blank rotors in the rear because my rears have no issue with blanks so slotted rotors offer more of a root issue fix to the gas buildup what slots do as they come in contact with your brake pad is they shave away and clean the contact surface of your brake pad so that you constantly have fresh brake pad material coming in contact with your rotor reducing your amount of gas buildup created by not having old brake pad there now this does cause your brake pads to wear down a little bit quicker drilled rotors do as well but not as much as the slotted now unlike the drilled rotors slotted rotors do not have any mechanism to help them directly cool down the rotor as it spins around however since the slotted rotors cause you to have a fresh layer of brake pad all the time less brake pad friction is going to be required to stop your car which is gonna cause your brakes to heat up slower now I hope you learn something from this video please take this information and do something wise with it I may have hated on thrilled rotors a little bit too much in the last version of this video long time ago that’s because 99% of drill rotors out there are not created correctly and they’re just completely useless they’re just for aesthetics I did not give enough credit to the 1% of people that have proper drill rotors