Textile Tales: A Creative Approach to Design and Exploration

Don’t stick. Okay, perfect. Last year, I posted a video flipping through this book right here, and it got a lot of attention. This book was a end of the year project for my intro to textiles class. I think it’s required for both fashion majors in fashion design. The class is overall probably one of my favourite classes I’ve taken at SCAD because it was still like an intro class, but we got to do a lot of exploratory work. Um, didn’t have too many guidelines to it. Um, except you just had to make a book that, um, included all the information on all the different textiles that there are. Obviously, you didn’t have to make, like, a whole professional printed book like this, but a lot of my projects that I do, I want to keep them after and hold on to them, because, like, I like to look back on my artwork and I like to look back on my projects. A lot of people were asking me how I actually designed this book, what applications that I used to graphically design this, because obviously I had to make everything myself. So I actually did make this entire book on Canva. So these are all clipped images, and then I just added some funky text. And then I got it professionally printed in a printing store here in Savannah. It was quite expensive, but for the quality of the book and, you know, the fact that I’m gonna be keeping it. I feel like it was pretty fair price because it turned out, like, so freaking well. It has a back cover here. It’s so sturdy, so nice. It’s bonded. So if you are a SCAB student, you’re taking intro to textiles, I would just go to. It’s called Creative Approach. This is my table of contents. I love weird graphic design, so obviously, I had to make my table contents the most weird thing ever. This is another clipped image that I use. This is from Pinterest. As you can see, I use a lot of line work, and we were required to. This one kind of fell off, but we were required to get swatches from either mood or within the buildings and put actual swatches on. Supposed to be kind of like a reference book for you later. Slash if you were making it for someone else kind of thing. And so you would be able to tell, like, oh, this is satin. Whatever. This is what it feels like, and this is what it looks like. I wanted every page to be a lot different. Don’t stick. Okay, perfect. Yeah. This book was so, so fun to make. I decided that I was going to include one of my sketches in here and put a swatch under. Here’s another one of my sketches. They’re sticking. And that is my book. I hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions about how I made it. Anything else? Anything about the platforms that I use? Comment.