Champion of the Rock, Paper, Scissors World: The Rise and Fall of Jack Kimbo

Jack Kimbo, boy. Hey, weather here. RPS champion of the world. Professional record 49 and 0, baby. I do not lose. Rock, paper, Scissors. Rock, paper, Scissors. Rock, paper, Scissors. Do people constantly challenge you since you’re at the top? I make it look like any bum can just run up on me on the street and get you, boy. But they can’t. Yo, boy. Hey, fellas. How you doing, man? Rock, paper, Scissors. I told you, dog. Man, that’s that bull. Hey, y’all don’t run up on me no more, man. We gonna give you a proper burial. Rest in peace, dog. Ah, TMZ here. Um, did you hear that? Lloyd said he’s gonna slap the shit out of you. You’ll slap the shit out of me? It’s just. It’s just Scissors, papers, rock. It’s rock, paper, Scissors. It’s three words. You put them however you wanna put them. It don’t really matter. Hey, fellas, you know the rules. Rock, paper, Scissors. No other shit, alright? Touch rocks, let’s fight. I don’t touch cocks and I don’t touch rocks. It’s a weird rhyme, man. Rock, paper, Scissors, shoot. Oh, my god! I’ve never seen this. Help me up! Help me up! Someone threw a tie at Lloyd the great. Seemed to affect the champ more than it did the competitor. The champ will regroup, though. Rock, paper, Scissors, shoot. The champ is buckling, Jenny, I’m shocked. I’m sure as you as well. And everyone at home. He’s Juicing? He juicing you on steroids. That’s for what? Rock, paper, Scissors. Shoot. Ah! Ah! Where’s the money? Do I get the money now? You can get it from the girl up front. The girl up front? That sounds unprofessional as fuck.