Generations of PC Enthusiasm: A Son’s Gift of Tech Upgrades for His Dad’s Businesses

My dad is the entire reason that I’m into PCs. He got me my first computer when I was 5 and I remember playing the crap out of those Windows 3.11 games. So when I had the chance to break into his office and secretly upgrade his computer, I did it. Because my dad runs an indie movie production studio and a real estate, photo and video business, he uses his PC a lot, but he was doing everything on an old dusty piece of crap pre built. So when he and my stepmom went away for vacation I gave him brand new, all modern parts, a tank or CPU, and a 30 60 Ti. That cost me way too much money because this was in the middle of the GPU shortage a few years ago. I nearly got busted cause he had motion sensors in his office, but thankfully no cameras so I was able to hit him with a pleasant surprise. He almost cried, but not quite. I was reminded of making this video since I just got to visit him on vacation back when I was filming those bathroom videos a couple weeks ago. And because he’s turning 60 this year, I hit him with a Ryzen 16 core and 40 80 Super upgrade. Thanks dad for giving me my first PC and letting me develop the skills to create this business where I can now give back to you.