Three Game-Changing Photography Tips for Instant Improvement

Hey, Mike, if you had to give me one tip to instantly improve my photography, what would it be? Um, do you mind if I give you three? Sure. Well, first, I would say stop taking photos at eye level. this is one of those things that has really elevated my photography over the last couple of years. Taking photos from below eye level and aiming up or from above eye level and aiming down really differentiates your images from everyone else’s. Plus, these angles add real character to your photos and help so much with framing and lighting. Second is to include things in your foreground. We always think about background blur when it comes to an image, but what about foreground blur? Finding a good foreground to shoot through or shoot past can really add an extra layer of dimension to your images, which is always a sign of a good photographer. And finally, always be thinking about your composition. A good photograph relies on so much more than just your subject. If you’re only ever taking photos where the subject takes up the full frame, then you’re never gonna be telling the full story of what’s happening. Always include elements in the background and add stuff from the location around you. And don’t be afraid to move in and capture small details that other people will definitely miss.