Exploring Supermarkets in Croatia: A Culinary Adventure

one of my favorite parts about visiting a new city is go seeing their supermarkets had to get a toothbrush because I left mine at home I got like loads of meats and breakfast stuff I think it’s like sausage meats or ham I’m not sure but I feel like I wanna get ham and cheese oh my God name the film my favorite Gouda I’ve never seen that cheese before what the hell bread actually looks unreal I might get this one whatever that is that looks so good maybe I’ll get a croissant just gonna get this guy I just dropped on the floor and embarrassed myself the chocolate low key looks like a vibe this says a summer body is great but have you tried our chocolate I’m obsessed actual Croatian chocolate might get this my God look at the milks chocolate biscuit strawberry cheesecake regular strawberry just the same here hazelnut hazelnut these I might get this to I don’t know what other snacks I wanna get I love looking at cereals in different countries these look busssin look at this it’s filled with like cream or something thing is I gotta get milk and I know it’s gonna go off cause I probably won’t eat it oh my God look at the ketchup they have loads of these types of chicken noodle like noodle soup and I love the chicken noodle one but they don’t have it if you come to Croatia and you see the one with chicken in it definitely get it cause it’s really good I definitely wanna get some lays don’t know what Crips to get they got so many different ones this is my favourite part I think I’m gonna get these paprika ones is that pretty good I was hoping to get a Fanta but they don’t seem to do Fanta here I wanted a Fanta Lemon Schweppes Tangerine hmm I’ve just seen these yogurt flavored skittles these look so interesting let’s do a taste test I may already eaten one so I know that they’re really good hmm let me take a second to look at the view here cause it’s actually stunning look at the water and the mountains I wanna go try the chocolate now also that chocolate cost me almost €7 so I’m hoping it’s good at this I don’t know why it reminds me of the Dubai chocolate I know it’s pretty not gonna taste anything like it but we shall see cheers oh my god it’s salty it kinda taste like that caramel chocolate I think it’s like caramel something max it’s really good but it’s really salty and I love salt with sweet it’s literally about half seven in the morning right now so the fact I just ate that’s pretty wild and then I got 6:30 UK time