Optimizing Content Strategy for Business Growth: Understanding View Count, Followers, and Conversions

The second issue I identify that also businesses fall into is when they’re creating content, but they’re, and they’re not getting the view count, they’re not getting the followers and they’re not getting the business. They’re also not analyzing or understanding what their customers using to converting. You should be asking the person in your chair, what are you looking for when you’re looking for the service? What drove you to convert? what are the pain points that you’re dealing with that I can speak to? And the reason why this is relevant is even our own content, the videos that had the lowest view count always resulted in the business that we received online. Like the videos with the highest views, like even today, like I don’t think we got any business off of Gentle Monster. And if, and if we did, it was like clients who had watched a bunch of other videos just thought that video was entertaining. Like it wasn’t the reason to convert. And the videos that made them actually convert were the ones that if I looked at view count alone wouldn’t have told me to keep doing those videos. And that’s where people can go off course.