Picture Day Chaos: A Teacher’s Tale of Classroom Management

Thank you, hon. Now, row 6, go ahead and pass up homework up front. Is that it? Okay, now, guys, listen up. We’re about to walk to the auditorium for picture day. Remember, once we walk through those hallways, I need you guys on your best behavior. Do we have that? Olivia, have you lost your mind? Ah! Ah! Go ahead and unplug that right now. No. Give it to me. In my 25 years of teaching, never have I ever seen somebody done this in class. Unacceptable. Ah! Ah! Ladies and gentlemen, single file line. Indoor voices, please. Indoor voices. Hi, Miss Jackson’s class. You guys all look great. Yes. Guys, single file line. My class. Once again, if you are purchasing pictures, have your envelope ready to hand to the photographer, please. Girls, enough with the makeup. Put that away. Jocelyn, go ahead and it’s your turn. Put that shirt up. Put it up. Kimberly, a big smile, please. Girls, enough with that duck face, please. It is not a modeling shoot. It’s a school picture. Jose. Ah! Ah! Stop with the hand signs. No hand signs. Come on, sweetie, it’s your turn. We do not have time. Hurry up. Your hair looks great. Do not worry about it. Olivia, what did I say about the makeup? Go ahead and hand it over. Final warning.