Pizza Gatekeeping: The Intense World of Metal Lyrics

Weird Metal Lyrics, part 109. This song was suggested by these users right here, and it’s called pizza by Attila. You know what you are? A pizza poser. Fuck you. I’ve never seen you eat a slice. To you, it’s just a trend. Pizza is my life, okay, buddy? Ha ha ha. That was the intro, by the way. And now we’re gonna cut to the interlude where this guy’s friend is buying the pizza. So he’s ordered it without the other guy, who loves the pizza, knowing about it, if that makes sense. Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Pineapple on the whole fucking pizza? Um, yeah. Are you shitting me? No. Fucking pineapple. No, I can’t do the sound effect. Pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, you fucking piece of shit! Why would you do this to me? Dude, chill. You can peel off the pineapple. No, I’m gonna peel your eyes out of your fucking. I will extract your. And use it as pizza sauce. Pizza gatekeeping is crazy work. So bad to the point where you’re threatening to unalive the person over it and calling them a poser, too. What the. Thank you to those users for suggesting this song. And thank you guys for watching. Like and follow for more weird metal lyrics.