The Case of the Missing iPhone 14 Pro: A Costly Inventory Mishap

So the other day, we had a little bit of a situation over here. We had just got a ton of iPhone 14 Pros the day before, so we were doing inventory, making sure all of our devices were ready to go out to our amazing customers. When we realized we were missing one. We could not find one of the iPhone 14 Pros. We checked the shelves, the packing area, even under the desk, but it was literally gone. At this point, we started joking that maybe the iPhone had grown legs and walked away, but we were also a little panicked cause they’re on sale for 6 79. That’s a lot of money. I mean, we have so many devices, and, you know, we’re bound to misplace one every once in a while, but still, that’s a lot of money. We even check the security cameras to see if maybe it was accidentally packed in the wrong box or if someone had picked it up by mistake, but still nothing. And then finally, we did end up figuring out someone had put it in one of the bins with the iPhone elevens. That’s a big price difference. IPhone eleven’s 2:00 10. IPhone 14 Pro, 6 79. Whoever was testing the devices was probably moving too quick and put it in the wrong bin. But all good now.