Theater Camp: A Comedy Adventure Review and Reflections

the movie I watched tonight I decided on by doing movie roulette um if you don’t know what that is I mean you wouldn’t unless you’ve done it um you use the Watchlist Shuffle feature on letterboxd and watch whatever comes up first and what came up for me was the movie theater camp this movie is about a theater camp that has to be run by the owner’s dude bro son after she goes into a coma he obviously isn’t gonna do the best job but you’ll you’ll see what happens if you watch it um starts off very interesting but you’ll see I gave this movie a 9 out of 10 um I’m a theater kid so obviously I enjoyed it um I don’t really like admitting it to the general public cause I know theater kids are annoying but I’m not like hmm I don’t go to Denny’s or IHOP at like 3:00am and sing musical songs from a show I just performed in I’ve never once done that I did a Beach Boys flash mob in Galveston but that was different cause it was Beach Boys um anyway I don’t know how I feel about Ben Platt he stars in this movie but also if you’ve seen I think you should leave um I’m blanking out on her name but that one girl she’s in this movie you’ll know who if you see it like I was trying to place where I knew her from the not the entire time like 85% of the movie and then once she made like that one face that she makes in every sketch she’s in I was like oh my god she’s from I think you should leave it was it was really funny um anyway I wish I had something like this as a kid like like this camp that would have been awesome I was lowkey bullied for being into theater which not fun um yeah I would recommend this movie to theater kids if you wanna hear more quick movie reviews like this follow me and follow my letterboxd my username is Lydiahtml thank you for watching