Uncovering the Truth: The Story of a Fake Murder Case and the Dangers of Misinformation

okay so why aren’t mainstream media outlets covering this absolutely wild story of the grizly murder of a Colorado real estate agent who was having an affair with his stepson because it’s fake it’s all fake it’s AI on Friday a reporter at the Denver Post contacted me because one of their readers asked them why they hadn’t covered this true crime story that they had seen on YouTube and you might say oh that’s so funny that someone just thought it was real but this video has 1.7 million views and there are almost 8,000 comments and I scrolled for a long time and I found one where someone said oh how do you know this is real but how do you know this isn’t real Casey you might ask well first let’s just take the video the voice is very obviously fake it pronounces stepson as stepsen and BMW as BM-wah and also look at these headshots if they didn’t already scream uncanny valley just for funsies I did a reverse image search of course they don’t exist anywhere else but then of course the big one there is no record of any of these people or any of these things literally anywhere else in the internet but this YouTube video which you can confirm with you know Google but also the Denver Post reporter did confirm it and I’m sure felt slightly bad about taking the time of like people at the Littleton Police Department and if your next question is why would someone do this I’m sure the answer is money that video alone if I had to guess probably made about 15 grand and they have 81,000 subscribers on YouTube so I will leave you with this piece of wisdom for the Denver Post CU Boulder professor Casey Fiesler says it’s important to check the source of information even when it appears real