From Zip Troubles to Corsetry Loops: A Dress Salvaging Journey

Ooh, I’m working on salvaging the dress that doesn’t fit. It’s currently eight PM so far what I’ve done is taken the zip out. It’s now quarter past ten. I’ve basically sewn an extra 1 cm channel and reinserted the invisible zipper. Are these channels even? No. If this doesn’t work, you know what? Let’s just try it on first and cross that bridge when we come to it. Good news is I got it on. It’s still pretty firm, but broken the zip. I cannot believe that I have spent hours on this. It is now ten thirty PM I guess I’m gonna take this off and start making some corsetry loops. Unforeseen complication number two. I’m now stuck in the dress and will have no choice but to cut myself out. There must have been 500 comments of people telling me to make it into a corset back dress and I just ignored them. Well, that was depressing. I feel so silly.