Unboxing and Review: Jordan 1 Obsidians from Onekick.ru

Y’all, look what I just got in the mail by onekick dot RU. I got the Jordan 1 Obsidians. But before we do a review, guys, I just wanna say I do have a discount code if you guys are trying to cop shoes or designer shoes. It could be literally clothing, wallets, whatever, whatever it is that you’re trying to buy. But on top of that, guys, look at the good quality that this shoe has. Not even just this shoe, but all the shoes that they have on their website on top of them for having good quality. Guys, they do offer free express delivery. And on top of that, you could also get $15 off your order just using my discount code. And if you guys are planning on ordering a pair of shoes, or you guys are trying to order like a designer or whatever, it does take seven to 10 business days to arrive at your house. So that is why I do like shopping with onekick dot RU. But guys, look at the shoe. Literally insane. I already checked everything out before I even did this review, but yeah, it looks great to me. So guys, if y’all trying to cop yourself something, use my discount code and I’ll have it down below in the caption.