Insider’s Guide to Why You Should Think Twice Before Getting a Government Giveaway Military Vehicle

The government is giving away their old military vehicle. They might be, but you couldn’t pay me to have one. I am telling you, you do not want those. You’ll notice a funny smell in all military vehicles, and that’s the smell of depression. You will likely find spit cans and cups and bottles. You’ll find the scribbled notes and stories of people that once had a hope for their future. You’ll probably believe that these military vehicles have been to amazing places, but really the only place they ever went to was Fort Irwin, California. If you do end up buying one of these and you get it home, it could spontaneously combust. It might be working perfectly. One week and it sits, and the next week it has a class 3 oil leak. Don’t worry, though. Everything about these things are conveniently extremely expensive. Nothing is cheap. Nothing is easy to work on. You will need a fleet of mechanics to handle these. If you cannot source fuel, simply throw some energy drinks in the tank. Energy drinks make military vehicle go vroom vroom.