Sugar Coated Reviews: Sampling This Week’s Crumble Cookies

You ready? I’m ready. I’m ready. Okay, I’m here. Joined with Sam. And today we are going to be trying this week’s Crumble Cookies. We have. It’s a big one. This big one is Pumpkin Square. We have this one just called Pumpkin Square. It’s big. It is big. The icing got everywhere. Um, I honestly forgot the. The flavors already. There’s, like, oatmeal cream, which I think is this one. This one is berries and cream. It’s like a blood clot. Oh, thank you, Sam, for that. That’s gonna be delicious. Um, there’s peanut. Peanut butter something, which I think is this one. And then this is gonna be the s’mores one. And then the. Just the traditional chocolate chip one, the milk one, which I’m not a fan of. Are you? The what? The milk chocolate one. I’m not a fan of that one. I don’t know. Which one do you wanna try first? The blood clot. Stop calling it that, Sam. Cheers. You. Haha. Hmm. I just have the whole thing in my mouth. I can be cute like you. Um, it’s average. Nothing special, like, at all. The frosting isn’t even that sweet. Like, it’s. There’s not much berries, berries and cream to that, like, at all. Is that what it is? Berries and cream? Berries and cream. I’m a little out of berries and cream. Let’s try this oatmeal one. Boring? No. But oatmeal cookies, oatmeal raisin are my favorite. I can’t Believe that. That’s insane to me, because that’s actually the worst flavor there is in the whole wide world. It looks like this. Oh, it smells really good. Hmm. I like this one. Okay. You know those old fashion cookies, the oatmeal ones with like the frosting on top? Uh huh. They’re kind of hard. That’s what they remind you of. That’s really good actually. I enjoyed this one. Oh, we didn’t rate the first one. What do you rate the first one out of? How many? Out of 10. 10 being amazing. A four. Same. I rate the first one, this one, a 4. This one I give like a. I give it maybe a 5. I, I give this one a 7. Oh wow. And you hate oatmeal. Okay. I think this one is peanut butter. Ready? Cheers. Cheers. I never cheers. It it’s okay. It’s not the best peanut butter cookie I’ve had. It’s okay. Tim’s Trees has a pretty good one. Nine out of 10. If you love peanut butter, that’s a good cookie. I love peanut butter and I think it’s okay. I give that one like a four out of ten. Wow. I think this one has a bit of a crunch in it. It smells on me. It smells on me. Already touched it. Oh. Oh god. It tastes like a brookie. It tastes like a brownie with marshmallow fluff. That one’s yummy. I’m not a fan of marshmallow. Mine didn’t. Have marshmallow on it, so I like it. I give that one. It’s good. I give it a six. I think that was my favorite out of all. Really? So far? Uh huh. What do you rate it, Sam? Hmm? A five. Five out of 10? I rate it a six. It’s real chocolatey. Yeah. Like, really? Like a lot. We’re gonna try the pumpkin square next. You ready? I’m kind of scared. This is what the pumpkin square looks like. It doesn’t. I love. I adore anything pumpkin, so I think this is gonna be great. But as far as, like, aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t look right. It doesn’t look delicious. It looks like. Let me get a corner. Is it raw? Smells good. Cheers. Cheers. Hmm. That’s yummy. Give it a 10. Ha ha. It looks like shit, but it tastes so good. Oh, my god, that’s yummy. I, too, give that a 10. That’s really good. Good job. Crumble chocolate chip. Is it just regular chocolate chip? Yeah. I’m not a fan of this one. Oh, no, I can’t. I hate it. It’s a good. It’s a good chocolate chip cookie. I’ll give it. Oh, my gosh, she’s spitting it out. I’ll give it a seven out of ten.