Unlocking Photography: Your Questions Answered in a Video Series

I have an idea that I thought of last night and I want to talk to you about it. My experience, job, resume, aka is photography. I have a wealth of knowledge and information in regards to photography, film, digital, all that stuck up in here and I’d like to share it, but I need to know if people want to hear it. If you are interested in understanding the basics of photography, aka the 1:01 of how do I use my camera or how do I work my phone so that way I can take good photos, good video, etcetera, let me know the questions that you have. I will create a series of videos based on those questions cause I can give you the information, but I’d rather you tell me what you need to know that. Let’s just cut out all the crap, you know? So if you’re down, if you’re into wanting to understand how to use this device here or how to edit or photography basics, etcetera, ask your questions below and I will shoot videos to answer them.