Styling Dilemma: Choosing the Perfect Outfit for a Bakery Photo Shoot

Hey, we’re in my messy ass room. Don’t. Don’t judge. Like, a week and a half ago, I went on a whole rant on here, and I told you, don’t wait to be happy or feel beautiful by the damn dress. I bought the damn dress times two. And today is Tuesday. On Sunday morning, I have a professional photo shoot at my bakery, and I don’t know what to wear. So I’m gonna try these on for you and another outfit idea I have, and I would love your opinions. Okay, this is dress number one. It’s, like a tweed ness. Um, it’s a little big, but in the picture, she was wearing a jacket that matched. Thought it was a set. It’s not. It’s just the dress. I don’t know how I feel about that, but I may have a way to fix it. Okay, I added a black fitted sweater, which also hides the fact that it’s baggy here, but I feel like I just wish it had, like, a belt to pull me in. Hang on. I may have a belt. Okay, now, this belt, I would have to keep, like, aligned with where the dress line is, belt wise. Good lord. I’ve had this belt since college. It’s more tired than me. I don’t know. What do we think? And do we not belt the sweater and just belt the dress? What are our thoughts like? Obviously, it’s still connected in the back, but. Okay. So this would be like. I’m thinking of doing two looks. So, like a dress. My hair would be like, down, like, half up, half down, or like, just like, pulled back to one side, kind of curly, kind of flowy. Alright, I have another dress. Let me try that on. Okay, here’s dress number two. It’s giving Thanksgiving tablecloth. Um, like, thought it was cute. Thought it looked cute. Feel like it. Does it need the belt? I don’t know. It has pockets, but I feel like it’s not photo E. I don’t. Let me put the belt on with it. Okay, here it is with the belt. I actually like this one with the belt. It still looks a little like. I was looking for Lorelai Gilmore, Dragonfly Inn owner, Gilmore Girls vibe. And it’s giving. Do you have your paperwork? All right, I. I don’t know between those two. And then let me show you what I was thinking for my second look. I was thinking, like, jeans and the sweater thing. And maybe put my hair up somehow with some earrings. Okay, hang on. It’s gonna be the longest video in the world. Okay, so I have shorts on, but it would be jeans and it’s like cozy sweater. I would change my jewelry and I would have my hair, like, not like this. Like I just came from work. Also, just so you know, it is 92 degrees outside. Um, and it’s very hot up. Here, when I’m filming this. So, you know, we’re gonna try and look graceful and think cooler weather for a Sunday, but then this would be, like, something kind of, like, cozier and more casual. Maybe we could do some, like, you know, magazine ones where I’m, like, laughing, holding my bake goods. Like, I don’t know. Um. But that was thinking of something more casual and then something like a dress. If you think we need to see more options, I understand that. Let me know in the comments.