Unlimited Operator Duplication Bug: A Game-breaking Discovery

There is a bug where you can duplicate the new operator as many times as you want. As you can see, I have been duplicating operators for the last 20 minutes. This is what I have come up with. But as you can see, I have literally have these things all around me. I’m surrounded by all of them. And this is pretty simple way to do it. But do not worry, this is not gonna be in rank. This can only be done in the target drill thing, cause you have to be able to respawn. But take a look at this, right? So if you were to come over here and try and get in the middle of all this. Hold on, let me my games. But I actually crashed. Just take a look at all this. If you were to come right here, right? Let’s see. You had this right here and you were to shoot, what it will do is it would like respawn you outside. That’s why you can only do this in this game mode, because you have to be able to respawn, right? And then you would just go back into the middle and you would keep doing that thing over and over again and coming back to the site. But take a look at this. Look at how many operators there are. Could you imagine that there somehow becomes a bug where you can do this in actual ranked? This would be Terrifying. 1 C 4 kill and they would probably crash the game. I’m not joking bro. I think my PC would explode. But like I said, do not worry, you’re not gonna be reduced in a real game cause you have to be able to respawn. But this is just a crazy ass bug. Also I did not find this out. This is all from Gustus. He showed me this today so go check him out.