Unacceptable Rhetoric: Fox News Host’s Disturbing Comments About Kamala Harris and the Media’s Silence

A Fox News host just implied that if Kamala Harris was commander in chief, the generals would sexually assault her. And he is still on air, and he’s face zero consequences. Here’s the clip. You can watch it for yourself as commander and chief. We don’t know who she is. We don’t know what she believes. She’s gonna get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her, and before the usual suspects weigh in. Having your way with someone who is paralyzed is absolutely sexual assault. The bigger point here, though, is that the level of disgusting comments being made, racist comments, sexist comments against Vice President Harris without the mainstream media ecosystem so much as batting an eye is insane. Now, a Democrat probably would never say something like that, but if they did, they absolutely would be off the air. They would face major career consequences. As they should. So many people sat quiet as they did this type of stuff to Hillary Clinton in 2016. And the only way we’re going to overcome it is if we call it out every single time.