Blooming Friendship: A Lesson in Kindness and Being a Good Friend

Day five of preschool, and today we’re learning all about how to be a good friend and how to be kind. We’re going to be making a friendship flower, talking about all the things you can do to be a good friend. A friend is someone you have fun with. You care about them, and they care about you. This is our lesson based on our class rule. Yesterday we Learned be responsible. Today we’re learning be kind. We get in a big circle, and each student is going to get one of these flower petals. I call each student up one at a time, and we’ll read their flower petal as they put it on. A good friend smiles. A good friend gives high fives. A good friend is kind. A good friend helps clean up. A good friend shares. I tell my students if they want to have friends, they have to be a good friend. And here are all the ways that you can be a good friend. You can find this friendship flower on my website, preschoolvibes com.