The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Are We Creating the Smarter Beings of Tomorrow?

It’s the first time in human history that we’ve created something that’s going to be so much smarter than we are. Is that what you mean? We are always surrounded by creatures that we feel are not as smart as us. Like dragons like dogs like cats we always feel like caterpillars. We always feel like they’re not as smart as we are that we’re the smartest creatures we know. Only now we are again at the point where we create a digital creature that at some point will become smarter than us. And maybe creation or creation might be helped by them. They also solve problems like climate change income in the quality. Some believe in AI, and this will be man’s last creation. And if you ask who actually made the AI, perusahaan-perusahaan big. People who are successful and rich now. Like open AI meta and there are some owners like anthropic but bought Amazon. So actually a lot of big perusahaan-perusahaan now. And the people behind the scenes there. These rich people who are hunting are chasing them out all their money to AI. Because they know at some point. If for example they knew AI would make them more successful anyway. And if for example, what is income inner quality, it will be AI. It will make it much more extreme. The rich are much richer the poor so yes. I was pretty poor. I couldn’t imagine what you said. We just use the cnc beauty that this company discovered two years ago. And check gpt now it seems to help a lot of people like you. Tell me at the company you help this help it help. And that s what they found two years ago. What else do they have now to help their company grow, right?