Millennial Magic: How Doordash Saved My Anniversary Dinner Look

Let me tell you guys something. I am so grateful I live in this generation. Let me tell you my dilemma. I am getting ready for my anniversary dinner, where I will be with my eternal companion, and what do I forget? Because I just have mom brain on anything that has to do with me. Mascara. I cannot go out with my eternal companion looking like this. That’s why I’m so grateful to be a millennial. Right now, I can get beauty products delivered at my doorstep by Doordash. All I have to do is a couple taps on my phone, and that mascara will be delivered at my doorstep in less than 25 minutes. So now, instead of looking like a naked mole rat, I will be looking like the beauty queen that my husband married me to be. And I owe all of it to Doordash.