Exploring the Shift Away from Cigarette Smoking in America: A Modern Perspective

Would you say cigarettes are more demure or Brat? I’d probably go with Brat. A new study came out showing that 11% of young people in America smoke cigarettes compared to 1944 41% of. Why do you think people aren’t smoking cigarettes as much? Cause now people are more health conscious. I’m a Nick smoker, but I do realize that it is definitely going to affect my health. That’s something I’m kind of working on. Why did you pick cigarettes over vape? For me it was more of an aesthetic. You smoke cigs, you enjoy it, you don’t wanna stop? No. Why would I stop doing something that I love? Why do you think people aren’t smoking cigarettes anymore in America? Maybe cause some most females don’t smoke cigarettes and they’re probably like oh you smell like cigarettes so I don’t wanna do nothing with you. Could be that you think smoking cigarettes is more bratty or more demure? I would say neither. Or you had to pick demure.