Police Visits: The Story of Unexpected Guests

Someone said to me, has the police ever been to your door? Twice a week they’re at our house. First name basis. They knock on the door, won’t they? Knock, knock, knock. Hi, you. Lily, my love. How you doing? Is your dad in? We’ve come to take him away. He’s been a naughty man again. What’s he like? Oh, hi. You Paul? Yeah, one minute. I’ll just go and see if he’s in. Dad? Dad, police are at the door. Said they’ve come to take you away. Shit. Right. Fuck. Right, I can’t go upstairs in the attic because we’ve got to grow on. So I’m gonna have to go into the floorboards in the living room. Go on. You stole them, love. And I’ll let your mates coming on Friday. He’s not here, Paul. Um, I don’t know when he’s gonna be back. Well, we’re gonna have to come in and check anyway. Yeah, no worries. Come in. Suspect seems to be hiding under the floor. Send the dogs in. No, that’s just an old dining board. He must have fell down there by mistake. Right, we’re down there. Tony, come on, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Come on, your kids are watching. Get out! You’re being arrested and aggravated. Didn’t pick in.