The Power of the Libido: Understanding the Impact of Pornography on Male Motivation and Society

Horny men are really useful because horny men will do all kinds of incredible things to satisfy that urge. If you give men the opportunity to exist in a perpetually sexually satisfied state, which is what freely distributed and accessible pornography does, then you take away that power source that serves for pro social action. It’s not just that these men aren’t going to be having sex with real women. They’re not going to have the energy and the drive to take risks like applying for that job or doing something where they might fail. Like the consequences to diminished libido redounded throughout civilization. Civilization is built on the repression of the libido. Horny men are really useful because horny men will do all kinds of incredible things to satisfy that urge. It’s actually pro socially useful to keep men in a horny state. But think about, it’s like, if I’m not hungry, why would I assume the risks and costs of hunting? And so if I’m doped up on weed and I’m using porn, and I’m just in this, like, totally relaxed, anesthetized state, then why would I even move, let alone do anything worth doing with my life? And men in that trap are aware of this, and they’re ambivalent. Just like most addictions, they know that the alcohol is killing them, but they also can’t stop drinking. Like, there’s something really deep and dark about that addiction. Same thing with porn. They’re ambivalent, they want to stop But they often don’t. And they need help. They certainly don’t need shame and judgment