Animal Care Challenge: How to Properly Care for Different Animals – Round One: Guinea Pig

I’m gonna show you different animals and all you have to do is guess the best way to take care of them. Ready for round one? We’re ready! Our first animal is a guinea pig. Oh my goodness Can I pet it? You can right behind the ears they love that. Ha ha oh…so nice and soft. What do we feed a guinea pig to make it feel happy and strong? Fresh veggies? A chef’s hat? Or a plate of mom’s spaghetti? Hmm a chef’s hat that’s not food so can’t eat that. Fresh veggies…maybe. Mom’s spaghetti is something that I would really like to eat but I’m not quite sure that it’s okay for a guinea pig to eat. What do you think? Fresh veggies? Okay. We’re gonna say fresh veggies.