Fucking Delicious Creations: A Hilarious Culinary Adventure

And it’s delicious. It’s fucking delicious. I know it’s delicious because I, I, I made it. I made it. I designed it. Yeah, yeah. Welcome to another episode of in the Next Room. My wife has a Q tip up her ass. I don’t want it on my finger. I don’t want it on my fingers. I got it on my finger anyway, we should just stop the video now. God only knows what the fuck else is gonna happen. I’m like actually scared now. Peach schnapps. Peachy. Shit. To settle this once and for all, this right here is a officially licensed Jurassic Park merchandise. It is made for wine bottles. It barely fits any of the bottles that I have and it was 30 fucking dollars. Go buy one. Good luck. They’re on Amazon. Guys have asked me 6,000 times now. I have one. I just keep switching it on the bottles. So far we got Q tips and man split. No. Wow. Haha. I wasn’t ready haha. I gotta clean the fucking mats now cause that’s gonna be sugar bullshit mess. Okay. Malibu. Malibu run. Yeah! Coconut. Hey buddy. Oh boy, she’s a fresh one. Alright, here we go. Jesus Christ. Oh. Oh god, you’re drooling. Stop it. I’m committed to every fucking bottle. Whoa. Some fucking water Mcnuggets. That’s nice. I like the way that looks. It’s a pretty drink. The place is no longer around, so this is a drink I made up. It’s the Albino gorilla finger. Yeah