Country Calm: Guided Meditation with SG Goodman – Finding Peace in Nature’s Showers

Hello, I’m SG Goodman and you’re listening to Country Calm where I lead a guided meditation through nature’s wonders even if you’re not in nature currently you will be with me Let’s get started First, find yourself a comfy position with your palms facing upward imagine them feeling the softness of a summer shower it’s been a dry summer you’re walking in a beam field and the ground beneath you holds the pattern of little cracks that look like lightning bolts you think back to the old man at the Hardee’s of how they chattered over cups of black coffee about the crops desperate need for a good slow rain you think back to last night’s moon how the hazy halo was present and it’s glowing Today should be the day for showers you think to yourself as you feel the presence of beanstalk scrubbing against your pants legs when you turn to walk another row you notice a rumbling sound in the distance and it’s the welcome sound of thunder the clouds above you open up and give way to soft rainfall by the time you make it back to the truck at the turn row your boots are now muddy and your heart swells much like the ground in pure gratitude