The Fastest Selling Vehicles in America: A Closer Look at the Top 5 Models

Let’s start with No. 5 on the fastest selling side pops. It is that first Toyota on the list of many Toyotas, the Corolla Cross, which has a 36 days supply and means that it would take 36 days to sell all 12,399 of these for sale nationwide. That is a very low days supply in a very fast selling vehicle. Alright, at number four on the list, we have the Honda Civic. It is the fourth fastest selling vehicle in the United States of America right now with a 34 days supply. Meaning those nearly 14,000 Honda Civics would be gone if Honda’s not producing more of them in a month. In 34 days. That is insane. There’s also affordability as a teen. You see that next with the Toyota Camry at No. 3. A 31 days supply, sub $35,000 average transaction price, and nearly 26,000 of them for sale nationwide. Toyota RAV4 coming in at No. 2. 38,550 of these bad boys for sale nationwide, and literally in 30 days, if Toyota stopped producing them, all, dealers would run out of inventory. That is bonkers. And number one, dad, is the Toyota Highlander. It’s the highest price vehicle on this list at almost $50,000. Yet there’s only 6,000 of these available for sale nationwide. And they are selling like hotcakes. Because it’s a Toyota. Uh, the ability to get a tremendous amount of savings is somewhat limited on vehicles that are in short supply but high demand.