Flawless Results: A Journey to Wild Cosmetic Surgery

You know, wow cosmetic surgery. And of course, Brianna got really jealous when she was pregnant with the twins because she could not get any injections whatsoever. And even though she’s already flawless and perfect and beautiful, a little Botox never hurt. So finally, she was cleared to go visit and see the staff at Wild Cosmetic Surgery in Colleyville, Texas. And I’m so excited for her because this has been a long time coming. They did an amazing job, per usual. They have fabulous medical nurse injectors who are on staff every single day. So if you haven’t checked them out or given them a try, I highly recommend it. You can find them really close to the freeway, easy to access, and if they can make us look good, I promise they can make you look good, too. Brianna was a baby. She iced up. I had a little vibration toy for her so she would be distracted because she has a zero pain tolerance. So don’t worry if you’re scared, if it’s your first time or you’ve had a bad experience, I promise you, wow will make you feel like, holy wow, where have you been all my life? Make sure you tell them that Joseph and the team sent you. Love you guys and love your Botox.