From Ericsson to iPhone: A Millennial’s Journey Through Mobile Phone Evolution

I’m getting Deja’s reaction to mobile phones that I had growing up so millennial here born in the early 80s and the phones that we had growing up weren’t very good okay, so for the ha ha ha ha ha ha okay, so the first phone that I had I was 16 years old and it was called the Ericsson G a 6 2 8 I’m gonna show you it here it looks like a calculator that was a cool phone because it had as a little insert card yeah, insert the SIM yeah, it’s sweaty insert the SIM card and do you know SIM cards back then were like as big as credit cards like the whole thing was a SIM card and what did you do on this? Just call call people and when you messaged it was just one line and you had to message like if you wanted to write a word you had to like press the number like to get the letter L you had to press 5 3 times l wait for it to go the next one I get it my next phone now this is a classic every millennial that I know had one of these phones everyone had one of these phones is it a Nokia? The Nokia 51 10 another classic oh, this is worse. No, do you know what’s good about that phone? Small millennials will know this bigger screen it had a game on it called snake Where is apples? I know that game you know ha. This is the 82 50 or 88 50 I think it is the Nokia. Is that your hand? No, it’s not my hand looks like your hand. Yeah. And it flipped out like this. Like you pull that thing. Yeah, it’s slid down. See? Oh yeah. And then I had this one. This is the 82 10. That’s cool little baby. That’s that’s sick. Yeah. And then this is the phone that I had when I met your mum. Ooh. It was the Sony Ericsson Walkman phone. It’s a camera. So this is the first phone that I had that had a camera and it was like revolutionary. It had a camera and it was a Sony Walkman phone so you can have music on it. That’s actually kinda cool. Yeah, so it was a Walkman a camera and a phone. And a phone in one. That’s really cool. Yeah. And when I met your mum, this is the phone that I had in my pocket. Wow, those were the days. And then we are we move on to pre iPhone. So this is the phone just before the iPhone. This is the Blackberry. I think it’s called the rim. Now this phone was revolutionary cause you could send email you could what you could surf the internet you could do a whole heap of things that it’s really ugly. I don’t like it. Next. Okay, so then iPhone 3G First iPhone. The first iPhone. So the first, this has been so weird. It was. And ever since then I’ve had iPhones. Anyway, aren’t you lucky? You’ve had good phones?