Family Business Album: Weekly Song Releases on Splitter FM

What’s up, everybody? So today we are going to begin releasing one song a week from our album Family Business on to Splitter FM. Splitter FM is an awesome website, if I do say so myself. It’s one that Johnny and I created that allows you to look at the different stems or the different individual instruments and what not from songs that you love. And artists can put their own kind of annotations and commentary to give you an inside look into the song. You can go in and write your own comments or questions, and then we’ll go in and respond to them. You know, you can listen to just the individual drum part or just the individual guitar part, and you can hear things you didn’t know about the song. You can figure out answers to questions you maybe wondered about. What the different instruments you’re doing. Why did you do this chord here? Whatever. We’ll do our best to go in and answer it. So, yeah, we’ll be releasing one song a week. Uh, the first three songs that came out from the album are already out 23. Uh, I’m confident that I’m insecure and guy used to be. But today we’re releasing what you want, and the next week we’ll probably just go album order, so enjoy.